SPES S.c.p.A.

Società di Promozione degli Enti Savonesi per l'Università

SPES S.c.p.A.

The Companies on the Campus - Office Service

The university Savona Campus hosts in its modern structures various entrepreneurial realities directly connected for purposes and projects to the university activity established there and to Spes. These companies offer real opportunities for professional integration to our students, and contribute together with the Research Centres and Departments connected to them to strengthen the link between the academic world and work.

The companies are located in Buildings Locatelli and Branca, at the entrance of the Campus on the west side.

The presentation forms of the companies that have made their profiles accessible can be accessed by clicking on the respective hyperlinks.

Office Service

SPES manages the spaces and structures assigned to these businesses, providing them with the services necessary for the proper performance of their professional activities within the offices of reference. For further information and requests on this subject, please contact the Corporate Administration.

Administration Office

Tel:  019-21945483 - Fax: 019-21945480
Email: amministrazione@spes-savona.it 

Certified mail: pecspes@spes.legalmail.it